Shoulder Bags
Faux Gucci Zumi Strawberry Printing GG Logo Horsebit Design Hinged Lock Female Cream Leather Medium Top Handle Crossbody Bag
The replica Gucci's tote bag in ivory leather with a strawberry printing evoking a vintage '70s feel. This replica bag continues to bring the Gucci brand to the forefront of fashion in unexpected ways, merging two of its most distinctive codes into one symbol: The Interlocking G Horsebit is presented on this shoulder bag in a contemporary mix of silver and gold, a Gucci classic. A detachable strap creates multifunctionality, doubling as a shoulder bag, while the top opening frame features a hinged lock on each side for a secure closure.
$395.95 -
Fake Gucci Zumi Small Frame Top Horsebit GG Logo Signature Decoration Flat Top Handles Female Mauve Grained Leather Tote Bag
Introduced in the evocative setting of the Theatre Le Palace in Paris, the Gucci Zumi line takes its name from actress and experimental musician Zumi Rosow, who walked the Spring Summer 2019 runway carrying the bag. This replica bag continues to bring the Gucci brand to the forefront of fashion in unexpected ways, merging two of its most distinctive codes into one symbol: the Interlocking G Horsebit, which is the representative work of the Gucci brand. The hardware is presented in a modern mix of silver and gold tones on this fake grainy leather top handle bag. A detachable strap creates multifunctionality, doubling as a shoulder bag, while the top opening frame features a hinged lock on each side for a secure closure.
$346.75 -
Replica Gucci Zumi White Grainy Leather Hinged Lock Two-tone GG Logo & Horsebit Decoration Top Handle Shoulder Bag For Ladies
Gucci's Zumi line is named after the modern and unconventional actress and musician Zumi Rosow. The replica tote combines two unique signature elements, the interlocking GG logo and the Horsebit, for a chic yet unexpectedly iconic look. This fake bag is crafted from white leather with silver and gold hardware for added interest. It features double handles, a detachable shoulder strap and a hinged top lock for a spacious leather interior. Grab this beautiful piece today!
$346.75 -
Replica Gucci Zumi Interlocking G Horsebit Signature Hinged Lock Small Malachite Green Grainy Leather Top Handle Bag For Ladies
This replica handbag continues to push the Gucci brand to the forefront in unexpected ways, fusing two of its most distinctive codes into one symbol: The Interlocking G Horsebit appears on this white-grained leather fake tote in silver A modern combination of gold and gold, Gucci Classic, Gucci Classic. A detachable shoulder strap offers versatility and doubles as a shoulder bag, while a hinged lock on either side of the top-opening frame ensures secure closure.
$346.75 -
Fake Gucci Zumi Small Women Black Grained Leather Two Interior Compartments Frameset Top GG Logo Horsebit Detail Shoulder Bag
The Zumi series flawlessly showcases both in a simple, compact wardrobe staple This replica bag in black grained Leather continues to bring the Gucci brand to the forefront of fashion in unexpected ways, merging two of its most distinctive codes into one symbol: The Interlocking G Horsebit is presented on this white fake tote in a contemporary mix of silver and gold, a Gucci classic. A detachable strap creates multifunctionality, doubling as a shoulder bag, while the top opening frame features a hinged lock on each side for secure closure.
$346.75 -
Imitation Gucci Zumi Single Flat Handle Horsebit GG Logo Detail Golden Chain Shoulder Strap Women's Black Mini Black Leather Flap Bag
Stay hands-free all day with this chic chain bag that is sure to add some refined practicality to any look. This replica Zumi bag in black smooth leather continues to bring the Gucci brand to the forefront of fashion in unexpected ways, merging two of its most distinctive codes into one symbol: the Interlocking G Horsebit. The hardware is presented in a modern mix of silver and gold tones on a smooth leather shoulder bag. The fake crossbody bag can be carried cross-body, used as a clutch when the chain is removed and worn as a top handle when the leather handle is extended.
$254.09 -
Gucci Zumi Peacock Green Smooth Leather Chainlink Shoulders Strap Tow-tone Horsebit GG Logo Decoration Mini Tote Bag For Ladies
This Zumi bag from the House of Gucci, with its multi-purposeful style and well-made shape, will prove to be your go-to accessory in no time. This replica bag in Peacock Green smooth leather continues to bring the Gucci brand to the forefront of fashion in unexpected ways, merging two of its most distinctive codes into one symbol: the Interlocking G Horsebit. The hardware is presented in a modern mix of silver and gold tones on a smooth leather shoulder bag. The fake crossbody bag can be used as a clutch when the chain is removed and worn as a top handle when the leather handle is extended.
$254.09 -
Replica Gucci Zumi Mini Dark Purple Leather Flap Design Horsebit GG Logo Buckle Flat Top Handle Women's Chain Strap Shoulder Bag
Designed to be ideal for everyday use, this crossbody bag is a must-have. This replica bag in mauve smooth leather continues to bring the Gucci brand to the forefront of fashion in unexpected ways, merging two of its most distinctive codes into one symbol: the Interlocking G Horsebit. The hardware is presented in a modern mix of silver and gold tones on a smooth leather shoulder bag. The fake crossbody bag can be used as a clutch when the chain is removed and worn as a top handle when the leather handle is extended.