Best Selling Gucci Unisex Green & Red Web Brass Double G Buckle Textured Brown Leather - Cheapest Belts Replica Site
Best Selling Gucci Unisex Green & Red Web Brass Double G Buckle Textured Brown Leather - Cheapest Belts Replica Site
There are many replicas on the imitation goods market, but most of them are rough in workmanship and low in quality, but this high-quality Gucci belt in our store can be told by luxuries-addicts as the genuine one. You can buy this product with confidence. Saying that the design of this belt is a modification of the classic, the designers have skillfully combined the time-honored Green & Red Web with the textured brown leather to create a new feel, retro, on-trend, showing unique spirit. If you're an urban hipster who loves gender-neutral looks, this belt is the perfect match for you.
Green and red cotton canvas Web with dark brown leather detail
Antique brass-toned hardware
Double G buckle
1.5" width
In stock
More Information
Buckle Color | Gold |
Buckle Material | Brass |
Buckle Type | Pin Buckle |
Exterior | Green & Red Web Canvas And Textured Brown Leather Patchwork Strap With Retro Gold Double G Buckle |
Gender | Unisex |
Strap Color | Black |
Strap Material | Canvas With Leather |
Style | Leisure |
Width | 38mm |
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